Monday, May 5, 2014

Q and A With Dr. Rama--What is Guru?

Dr. Rama--What is  Guru?

Dr. R:  What is not the Guru?  In the highest sense this entire Universe is a universal teacher.  Anything and everything is teaching us at all times....the question is how much are we really learning?

 "GURU" in Sanskrit means the removal of darkness.  Removal of darkness simply means remembering what is already present inside us:---unending wisdom, light, love, expansion of consciousness and all other Higher Self qualities.  Over much time we have forgotten some of these qualities and we are trapped within the confines of this body and mind.

We need the full consciousness of Spirit or Source energy while we are in a body and mind.  This mysterious yet simple awakening and unfolding can be accelerated or heightened if one is studying or practicing with a physical Guru or enlightened teacher, master, Divine Mother or Group of Light beings who knows fully the secrets and mysteries of the inner Universe and the outer Universe.

Such ones are awakened within themselves and so have the ability to awaken others.  These beings are seemingly rare on this planet but in other realms and other dimensions and other highly evolved planets, their ways are part of daily life.

The Guru will help on all levels and works tirelessly for our uplifting and expansion.  Deep within themselves they have merged with the "Guru" principle of Source----an aspect of the Divine that consists of the energy of teaching, support, wisdom, guidance, negativity removal, and many qualities of divine love and energy. And so by virtue of this merging they have expanded capacities and gifts that are rarely known on this planet.  They can help transform our mind and body so that we also remember that we too are the "Guru" or Master Power.  This is the ultimate goal of mankind---to reach the pinnacle of human potential known as the Guru principle....and it can be realized in infinite ways through infinite gurus who have been on this planet and other planets and dimensions from time immemorial.

We simply need to be open to receive some one like this into our lives and when we are ready they do appear.......