Saturday, November 23, 2013

Q and A With Dr. Rama 11/23/13--on Vegetarian Food


Dear Dr. Rama:  What are the metaphysical and spiritual issues behind the consumption of a vegetarian diet versus a meat diet?

Dr. Rama: This is vast subject....I will try to summarize a few points. Remember these are all my viewpoints based in my thoughts and feelings and what I have learned over time.

We are all ultimately pure consciousness, despite what this world seems to be and what we feel--positive and negative.  And, this consciousness as an individual is forever growing, learning and expanding.  Through free will, we have the ability to grow or to contract.  That is the nature of Consciousness---as this Universe is forever expanding and contracting.

Every second of our life we are learning, growing and changing--knowingly and unknowingly.  Our inner Spirit's nature is to forever grow and expand--out of itself it learns about itself--which is the Nature or the original Source.  With our individual Soul and Spirit there is no beginning and it has no end in its expansive evolution.  The natural tendency of Spirit is to grow and expand because its nature is that of infinite Light and Love.  We can choose through free will darkness for any length of time (ie contraction)-- but sooner or later we realize that consciously or unconsciously we want the positive in life because that is ultimately our very Nature and we cannot rest without this Light and Love.

So with the eating of meat---of any kind it depends on the Soul, the Soul group and their choices.  In native cultures --their attitude and reverence for all beings is and was truly remarkable. They had the full knowledge and experience of the harmony of Nature and utilized natural principles to balance their lives in every way, living on the signals, signs and ways of Nature.  Despite the killing there is and was sacred respect for the sacrifice of that animal's life for the sake of food for the individual and the tribe, and much gratitude was given to that animal as their own sacred brother or sister or family member.

In the evolution of the modern world, we have the opportunity, however, in this day and age to grow and remember unconditional love and light in a very accelerated way and we have choices on how to develop this love.  Eating vegetarian is one practice to allow this compassion to grow inside us.  At this juncture in time, mass consciousness has the' potential to greatly expand and deepen its remembrance of Universal love.  Meat eating can be counterintuitive to this love if our goal is remembering more love.

When we eat the product of killed animals, we create and accumulate negative karma--this is part of the Law of Karma or the Law of Attraction.  The product of violence, slaughter, misery and pain of animals --we absorb those subtle energies over time and over many lifetimes.

So at times we will experience suffering ourselves in any way shape or form--not just from the eating of animals but from many negative actions and thoughts we consciously or unconsciously are creating.  We then wonder why all these "things"--happen to us--it is part of cause and effect. 

In this day and age animals are being slaughtered at astonishing volume and rates and often with inhumane conditions and treatments.  This only makes negative karma worse.  This assembly line of death worsens the karma because these animals go through intense mass suffering and human beings are eating these beings at alarmingly high amounts and rates without even thinking or remembering that the meat was originally an animal with sentience, intelligence or feelings. And, this is different from hunting and fishing for sustenance--living off the land and climate.

Knowingly and unknowingly the goal of life is to consciously remember and attain "enlightenment'....a conscious experience of unlimited wisdom, light, love and all other Higher Self qualities while still in a body.  This enlightenment is blocked by our negative karma, one source of which is eating meat.

Compassion, mercy, love and  healing and all Higher Self qualities have to be brought down into physical consciousness though the body and mind--although they already in us --they are sometimes clouded by our thinking, issues, distractions, and lifestyle.  Three are infinite ways to remember and awaken Higher Self qualities.  One way is to practice compassion and mercy through the eating of vegetarian food (even sometimes)-- but it is not the only way and it may not be for everyone at any given time.

We have a an opportunity to ask ourselves, how we can develop these qualities in a deep and lasting way if we are living off the extraordinary pain and suffering of dying animals?  It is our own choice on these matters.

The energy of suffering, fear, rage at being killed and so on --lingers on in the meat that is consumed and when we absorb this through eating--our aura becomes filled with  this negativity.  Our consciousness has a harder time growing and expanding.  Eating meat keep us within the lower reptilian brain ---craving animal foods---the lower Self negative qualities so that we do not remember the love and respect of all beings.

Conditioning from the media and various companies have chloroformed our thinking to the point that people and especially children sometimes forget that the cooked meat originally came from a conscious living  creature. 

Yet many do not think this way and treat animals as a vegetable or fruit.

Is there karma for eating vegetables or fruits?  Of course but is a different kind of karma because many fruits and vegetables ripen off a plant, and even in the killing of a plant the consciousness is not as highly evolved----IE with an advanced nervous system and so on.

So at any point in life we make the choice to evolve and grow or contract with any and all aspects of life and living.  Eating vegetarian food is
way of expanding our opportunity to grow in the love, mercy and compassion area of our lives--but we must feel this calling in our own heart and make a conscious choices that best serves our greater good.

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